Tuesday, February 12, 2008

2/11: What I Accomplished Today

1. Prepped a class, graded three classes, taught a class.

2. Television and Pogo badges.

3. Almost done with The Namesake. Very good.

4. Took a character through the Love is in the Air sequence in WOW. No experience, and the final reward is soulbound clothing; I don't think that's particularly worthwhile, and I don't think I'm doing it eight more times.

Monday, February 11, 2008

2/10: What I Accomplished Today

1. Valentine's Day WOW was supposed to start today and didn't. Wonder what's up.

2. Night Elf Priest to 41.

3. We watched one of the commentary tracks on The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe. The actress who played Lucy was astonishing (and it's really her movie, so she needs to be), so she needed to be on the track, so the director had a track with the kids. Kind of cute in the right mood. I suspect that, for the two younger children (who played Lucy and Edmund), that track will end up being the equivalent of naked baby pictures on a bear rug: something brought up by parents on Prom Night to humiliate you if you're note careful. They did a pretty credible job for 10- and 12-year-old kids. On the other hand--they're 10- and 12-year-old kids, and intelligent enough to do a pretty good job in a movie which they were largely going to have to carry by its very nature. By definition, certain elements of their personalities will render them unfit company for people for longer than a few minutes (although they're utterly delightful for a few minutes).

(Yes, yes, my opinion would obviously be different if I'd spent more time with children. Maybe. I did enough babysitting that this pattern held pretty well.)

4. I forget to mention that yesterday I caught up on my magazines and read a good chunk in The Namesake. More in the book today.

5. I've put it off long enough; now I must pay the bills. In the months in which there is plenty of money to do this and still have some left, this is fun. In the months where there is not plenty of money and you have to tap into what was left in a previous month, the fun quotient is considerably lower. This month would be one of the latter. Blech.

Sunday, February 10, 2008

2/9: What I Accomplished Today

1. Ran the last through characters through the Lunar Festival.

2. Watched trashy movies on Sci Fi while doing this.

3. Television and Pogo badges.

4. We watched Good Night and Good News and The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe this week. We watched the little pop-up video thing on the latter tonight. Irritating things: the bubbles didn't show up if you had it even in the slowest fast-forward, so you had to watch the movie at regular speed to see them--but there weren't enough of them for that to be particularly worthwhile, and many of the ones that were there were redundant (I believe we were told three times, in various combinations, that Tolkien, friend of Lewis, had been one of the readers of the manuscript and hadn't liked it because of the mixtures of mythologies). Elf had had much better integration of the extras into the movie, and I've read that Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix, which I got for Christmas but haven't done my thing with yet, also has good integration of this.

5. You may have noticed (probably not) that for awhile in the summer I had various Potter-related work I was doing, but then school started. I thought I'd work some more in October, but that computer wouldn't boot, and it hasn't booted since. This month, Co-Vivant took it to a tech to either pull the files or fix the computer. He was hoping to have it on Tuesday, when she sees him for a meeting; he told her then that he didn't have it yet, but it looked like the computer would be able to boot stably, so that's good news. I wish it weren't this month (financially, this isn't shaping up well), but I'm beginning to be a little excited about getting back a computer I'd despaired of being able to use more.

I have some demos to play now.