Saturday, December 15, 2007

12/14: What I Accomplished Today

1. Pleasant lunch at Asian buffet (only one we've found is good).

2. Turned in grades and copying for the beginning of next term at main campus. My smugness knows no bounds.

3. Christmas shopping, largely unsuccessful.

4. Book group. We each read either a children's book or poetry.

5. Level 39 Night Elf Priest. I've been reading that Winter Veil starts today, and I poked around and saw that one of the quests requires an item that's a common drop among low-level critters. Sent this character to get enough of the level that all of my characters would have enough for the quest and then there'd be some left over to sell; each character needs five, and within about an hour, I had 100, which I thought was good. So I distributed these and sent the extras to my auction character to sell. I'd been reading how much they went for in previous years, and by the time I put mine up to sell, there was already one set there at that rate, which I thought was a little excessive, so I sold mine for less than that, but still a fair amount of money.

Now I am a profiteer. I may have permanently hurt my reputation because I can read a calendar. I know people will get over it, but it's embarrassing (as was farming the low-level item to begin with).

6. Wrapped presents for package to be sent to my family tomorrow.

7. No reading today. It's been a busy day.

Friday, December 14, 2007

12/13: What I Accomplished Today

1. Went to a meeting for the College Readiness Task Force.

2. Graded two classes and finished grade sheets and such. Wrapped up fall semester.

3. Television and Pogo badges.

4. Level 39 Night Elf priest; finished stockades and Bazil Thredd sequence. Auction stuff.

5. Played Home Sweet Home, a time-management game. Not bad, not great. The cryptogram level was sort of fun, but I was worried about the time cutting into my demo hour.

6. Not much book reading today; read some magazines.

Thursday, December 13, 2007

12/12: What I Accomplished Today

1. Graded a class. Got one of my online classes ready to go for next semester.

2. Didn't get much television or Pogo badges; fell asleep.

3. Level 38 Night Elf priest. Stranglethorn. Dinged 39. Auction stuff.

4. BigFishGame is another Find-the-crap game. I have enough crap of my own to find.

5. Not much reading today; working a little on magazines.

6. Probably gonna play Farm Frenzy now.

Wednesday, December 12, 2007

12/11: What I Accomplished Today

1. Graded two classes and parts of the other three. Finished some other work for beginning next term. Very pleased with my level of productivity. Awaiting the cookie that I should be given.

2. Television and Pogo badges.

3. Level Level 37 Night Elf priest. Stranglethorn. Dinged 38. Auction stuff.

4. Read several magazines but not much in my book today.

5. BigFishGame is a three-matchy. Played yesterday's, Babysitter Mania, for awhile. Not bad, but it's the same game as Nanny Mania. Again, that was fun, but I've already bought it once, and the newer game isn't different enough to warrant a cash outlay.

6. Had a well-thought-out, considered comment! I'm not sure how the person found my bizarre mix of Missions Accomplished and random musings for the day, but that's neat! (And a little scary; I sort of like talking to myself, but that's okay.)

For the record, I've read enough arguments on the identity of the Beloved Disciple to agree that there is certainly room to doubt the traditional knee-jerk identification with John. Tabor's book, on the other hand, doesn't go into any of these arguments, nor does it offer positive evidence that the Beloved Disciple is James; he simply states that this is so. Now to be fair, I think the chapters were written independently without regard for order and without an editor overseeing continuity, so it's possible that argument appears later in the book, but so far, no dice.

Tuesday, December 11, 2007

12/10: What I Accomplished Today

1. Graded two and a half classes. Gave a final. Should have graded a little more, but just couldn't stand it anymore.

2. Television and Pogo badges.

3. Level 37 Night Elf Priest. Fished. Auction stuff.

4. BigFishGame is another time-management thing, so I'll try that. Then I might play more Farm Frenzy.

5. Read more in The Jesus Dynasty. As I've said, the discussion of archaeological sites is really interesting, but some of the speculation is peculiar. He's simply stated that James the Lesser is the Beloved Disciple of John; he's also James the brother of Jesus. I have no problem believing Jesus' brothers were among the disciples (although it is believed by the verse about the prophet receiving no recognition in his own land). I could buy any of those statements if there were some discussion or evidence. Here, the only evidence he's offered so far is a negative argument against John's being the Disciple Whom Jesus Loved. Again, negative arguments haven't worked as definitive proof since Aristotle.

Monday, December 10, 2007

12/9: What I Accomplished Today

1. Puzzle Day. We came in second, but it came down to the fourth puzzle, so it was pretty exciting. (Does life get more exciting than the New York Times crossword puzzle?)

2. Took a nap.

3. Level 36 Night Elf Priest. Desolace.

4. Television and Pogo badges. We had three or four documentaries from the National Geographic channel. (I don't know why, either; it just worked out that way.)

5. Read a little more in The Jesus Dynasty. I almost think the problem is in the editing; in a previous chapter, he screws up Nazarene/Nazirite, but then he explains the difference in a later chapter; wild conjecture that he feels confident in stating as verified fact in one chapter is ignored later. The book is interesting and actually not a bad primer to some of the more esoteric viewpoints I've read, but it has to be taken with an entire salt shaker; a grain is inadequate.

6. Level 36 Night Elf Priest. Desolace. Dinged 37. Auction stuff.

7. Played the BigFishGame Santa's SuperFriends; not as fun as I'd been anticipating. Game for tonight doesn't look like fun.

Now I have to pay the bills. This is a major, sucky drag.

Sunday, December 9, 2007

12/8: What I Accomplished Today

1. Changed Co-Vivant's dressing.

2. Did the shopping we need to do this weekend.

3. Level 36 Night Elf Priest trying to figure out where she should start and a some auction stuff.

4. Television and Pogo badges.

5. Changed Co-Vivant's dressing.

6. Fished a lot with the priest and did more auction stuff.

7. Gonna play the Santa's Super Friends game when it downloads. Then I might play some Farm Frenzy, depending on how late it is.