Saturday, October 27, 2007

10/26: What I Accomplished Today

Happy Nevada Day!

1. Got us our lunch, and then got us bathed. There are only two of us, and we are both adults, but some days, this still takes hours.

2. Level 36 Draenei Shaman. Desolace.

3. Birthday party with friends. This was fun.

4. Television and Pogo badges

5. Read some magazines. Entertainment Weekly's review of The Jazz Singer on DVD was odd; it's as though the writer had somehow never heard the plot, and his inability to get passed the minstrel show aspect made it impossible for him to watch the film. And yeah, that is hard to stomach, and had anyone at all been born with the gift of premonition, that would not have been the plot at all. But it is the plot. Rejecting the first sound movie because of that is like rejecting Casablanca because people smoke in it: yes, that's true, and that's ugly, but that's so not the point.

6. Level 36 Draenei shaman. Desolace. Dinged 37. Auction check for several characters.

7. Played a First Peek seeky-findy game. Didn't like it very much. BigFishGame is a three-matchy.

Friday, October 26, 2007

10/25: What I Accomplished Today

1. Had a meeting about program assessment. While on the main campus, went from office to office signing various junk that needed my signature.

2. Level 35 Draenei Shaman. Desolace. Dinged 36.

3. Television and Pogo badges. Started watching a new Masterpiece Theater, The Amazing Mrs. Pritchard. This features the actress we had best known as Bubble and various other roles on Absolutely Fabulously as a regular person who runs for Prime Minister. It's very good and entertaining. (Whenever we see there's a show on Masterpiece Theater neither of us have seen, we always say, "Oh, we'll start the first one, and if neither of us is enjoying it, we'll just stop." Almost every time, we get to the end and then look forward to the next part.)

4. Started Blink. Read magazines.

5. Level 36 Draenei Shaman. Desolace.

6. Miss Management.

Thursday, October 25, 2007

10/24: What I Accomplished Today

1. Prepped a class, graded three classes, taught a class.

2. Television and Pogo badges.

3. Still thinking about sextuplets. They only get press when they're small and cute. How do you deal with six teenagers? Teens already have issues fluctuating between I-want-to-blend-in and I-want-to-be-unique; would that be intensified for teens born in a herd, essentially? And oh, the logistics of six class rings, six proms, six sets of graduation invitations. ::shudder::

4. Level 35 Draenei Shaman. Stranglewood, just to see how far she'd gotten; better than I'd thought. A buddy wanted to go to Featherwood and train his alchemist, so I logged on my alchemist and we did that together. That was fun.

Wednesday, October 24, 2007

10/23: What I Accomplished Today

1. Prepped a class, graded a class, taught a class.

2. Lots of hullaballoo today because a few days ago Rowling stated that Dumbledore was gay. You know, I think that's actually sort of cool: since it wasn't absolutely pivotal to the plot, there was no need to go into it. There's no need to bring it in just for the sake of bringing it in. I rather like that. In 20 years or so, kids may wonder, "Well, what's the big deal?" But we're not quite there, and in this here and now, I'm okay that she decided not to connect those dots in a book largely (although certainly not entirely) for children.

3. Last week, a family was on Ellen that interested me, so I arranged to Tivo some of their television show, and I saw some last night as I was going to sleep. The show is called Jon and Kate Plus Eight, and it's about a family who couldn't conceive naturally so they used fertility drugs and had twins, later deciding they'd like just one more child, so the mother went back on fertility drugs--and had not one child, but sextuplets. The older twins are now about six, and the sextuplets are two or three. I'm always fascinated with the dynamics of large families, so this was interesting to me.

* The mother is fairly honest. She is highly-strung and a little more...I'm going to say "control-oriented" than I think I might be in this situation--but for heaven's sake, she's got eight children under the age of seven. Control isn't always a bad thing.

* I've only seen two of the episodes, and of course you never know what percentage of family life is being filmed, but I'm a little concerned with the three little boys; they sort of play at each other rather than with each other. There were several shots in which we see the mother playing nicely with the little girls and everything's peachy-keen--but over on the sides, two of the little boys are just whackin' on each other. From what I've seen (which is a tiny fraction of the shows, and I have no way of knowing how representative it is), my inclination is that the family is raising five very nice, well-behaved little girls and three wolf cubs.

4. Worked a little on Pogo badges and television. Not a lot.

5. Level 35 Draenei Shaman. Wickerman. Made sure she'd finished the first batch of Hillsbrad quests. I hate the Sofera's Naze encampment. (What's a naze? Who's Sofera?)

6. Played a little Miss Management. Not a lot, and not very well.

Tuesday, October 23, 2007

10/22: What I Accomplished Today

1. Prepped a class, graded a class, taught a class.

2. Television and Pogo badges.

3. Took two more characters through the Wickerman thing; one more to go. Bought the rogue's ram; five more mounts to go (well, six, but the pally's isn't retail).

4. Read a little in the Math for Mystics book. Really not what I expected. I don't read a lot of books that contain the word "spellwork." This is probably good for me.

My, what a useless day.

Monday, October 22, 2007

10/21: What I Accomplished Today

1. Won Puzzle Day! Hurray!

2. Took a nap.

3. Level 39 Dwarf Rogue. Dustwallow or whatever the swamp's called. Dinged 40.

4. Finished What Paul Meant and A Dash of Style. Will probably go back to the Math for Mystics I was reading four or five books ago.

5. Television and Pogo badges.

6. Co-Vivant wonders if part of the cause of her not-quite-Restless-Legs-Syndrome is the way she sits on the couch, so it was time for her semi-annual Move To The Other End Of The Couch. (One end gets better sound reception, and the other end gets better air conditioning, so she migrates like a duck or a retired person.) This requires moving several piles on the coffee table and several things in various little niches under the coffee table, like remotes only she uses and certain first-aid supplies. (No, I don't quite get that, either. Things just go better if she's near the Neosporin.)

7. Mail check and stats check. I did the rogue through Wickerman last night, and I took five others through that quest tonight; I'll do the other three tomorrow. Over 12k in XP and over 4 gold. That's worthwhile.

Sunday, October 21, 2007

10/20: What I Accomplished Today

1. Level 39 Dwarf Rogue. Arathi. (Also provided lunch. Way more work than it should have been. Ended up having food delivered.)

2. Worked on puzzles for Puzzle Day tomorrow.

3. Television and Pogo badges.

4. Level 39 Dwarf Rogue. Finished Arathi. Did Wickerman quest for Hallow's End; worth a friggin' fortune. Started Dustwallow.

5. Read a little What Paul Meant.

6. Played a little Miss Management.

7. Not particularly tired, but I need to go to bed so I'm not a totally bitch for Puzzle Day tomorrow.