Saturday, August 4, 2007

8/3: What I Accomplished Today

1. Did the month's shopping at Costco and Target. This sucks the soul from a person.

2. We watched It's Not that Easy Being Green. I don't remember if I mentioned this last time or not, but we were both having the eerie sensation that we'd seen Richard before, and then my Co-Vivant realized that he was Major Dick (honestly, that was the name he went by until he was promoted to Colonel Dick; we didn't make that up), the captain of the team who won the first season (maybe the first two) of Junkyard Wars back when it still had Cathy and life was good. That made sense because it would similar coordination of similar sorts of projects. But then Co-Vivant remembered that the other team members had been his brothers; surely they'd want to be involved in this going green project as well? The intro to this show mentions that he's just recently retired from the U.K. military, and all three of the brothers were in the military during the show; since he was the oldest, he would presumably retire first, and then we were concerned that perhaps his brothers were deployed in Afghanistan or Iraq. We hope they're okay.

3. Worked a little on Pogo badges.

4. Level 30 Gnome Warlock. Various Shady Rest Inn sequences. Highperch (dinged 31). Squerto.

5. Played the beta to a game I've very much been looking forward to. It's not what I expected, but it's still familiar enough to feel comfortable yet has enough new features that it's fresh and interesting. I suspect I'll buy it when it comes out.

6. Read a little bitty bit in Arthur.

7. Yes, I know I haven't done much Potter research this week. It is my birthday week. I get to laugh and play.

8. As tomorrow is my actual natal day, I don't want to sleep too late, so I'm going to go to bed now.

Friday, August 3, 2007

8/2: What I Accomplished Today

1. Showed placement assistant how to do monthly stats.

2. Graded two classes.

3. Watched another Jeff Corwin Into Alaska and Simon Schama's Power of Art.

4. Level 30 Gnome Warlock. Lost Ingots. Noble Brew; it seems that I was paid 50 silver to poison someone. Finished Mordent Fell; some big guy (level 60) helped me. If you're tiny, people will apparently offer to help, even if you're an appropriate level (or close to it) and have a big humungous Voidwalker with you. I have mixed feelings about this. On the one hand, it's a little insulting that people assume this cute, tiny li'l gnome can't possible do this big, brave, hard quest by herself. I have made it to level 30. I am fully trained in all skills available to me and to my minions. I may not be able to finish it the first time, because nobody does, but I have a pretty good track record; I am fully capable of doing my quests myself. On the other hand, though, if the fact that my avatar is small and cute will make people for whom the quest is simple wish to help me with it, I don't guess that's a bad thing. Hearthed to Astranaar and picked up Kayneth Stillwind & Helping Hand. Flew to Forest Song to turn them in and flew to Ratchet to do Strahad. Then flew to Darnassus to wrap up the Charred Vale sequence. Fly, fly, fly.

5. BigFishGame is another Find the Stuff.

Thursday, August 2, 2007

8/1: What I Accomplished Today

1. Got the Placement state set up so I can show the person how to compile the file tomorrow.

2. Finished the Geoffrey quiz for Arthur; started last reading of Chretien. (Did I mention I finished the book group book yesterday or the day before?)

3. Started working on the new Pogo badges.

4. We finished Chicken Little, which is cute and worth seeing once. Then we watched a few little comedies.

5. Level 34 Draenei Warrior. Various quests in Desolace; dinged 35. Hurray! Finally! Stats check and mail check. Right now, I'm working on finishing my data chart for leatherworking.

6. BigFishGame has no demo, so that's skippable.

Wednesday, August 1, 2007

7/31: What I Accomplished Today

1. This is apparently my 100th post. That's an accomplishment.

2. Picked up my car.

3. Went to my office to drop things off and sort my e-mail; over the summer, I had about 500 pieces of e-mail, only about 30 of which I still needed to do something about, so I got the rest sorted so I can find the ones I need.

4. Went to Charleston campus, dropped off gradesheet, signed contract.

5. Had a meeting about high school articulation; one of the people who was supposed to attend couldn't make it, but I had a good discussion with the other person who could come.

6. Came home and took a nap.

7. Woke up. Was supposed to grade. Was supposed to work on Deathly Hallows. Did a little of both, finishing neither. I am history's laziest human.

8. Level 33 Draenei Warrior. Various Shimmering Flats quests. Found Gadgetstan, the first of my characters to do so, so now I am very proud. Dinged 34.

9. Today's BigFishGame is Alice Greensomething, which I've played before; it's not bad, but I don't need it.

Tuesday, July 31, 2007

7/30: What I Accomplished Today

1. Had dum-dum food. Went to Costco so Co-Vivant could have her spectacles fixed.

2. Did very little work in Deathly Hallows today.

3. Finished Snow Flower and the Secret Fan for book group. Very enjoyable read.

4. Worked on Arthur.

5. The car radio was playing some Bach, and Co-Vivant didn't care for the orchestration. She made the comment that she'd like to hear Wanda whats-her-name play this on the harpsichord.

"I don't think it's Wanda; I think it's Wendy." And she looked at me as if I were a significant crack-head. "You know, Wendy. I can't remember the last name. But she was born Walter, and released the album, which did shockingly well on the charts for Bach, and then she had the surgery, so the re-releases have been as Wendy and not Walter." And she looked at me strangely again. And this story is so distinctive; I can't possibly have made it up, but how in the world is this not familiar to her? And why in the world is she sticking to this Wanda story?

So when we got home, we played Fun with L.P.'s. (These weren't CD's or cassettes; these were actual vinyl.) She brought out Wanda Landowska's Goldberg Variations. I brought out Wendy Carlos' Well-Tempered Synthesizer. We were both absolutely right. I think it's interesting how often that's the case.

6. Tivo picked up Chicken Little; we have a wishlist in for Amy Sedaris, and it's one of those I've suspected we'll want to see once but won't need to own, so rather than put it on Netflix, we let Tivo pick it up. I figured we'd hammer it out, probably parts in fast-forward, because it wasn't supposed to be so great, but it has enough cute moments in it that Co-Vivant wanted to see the end of it, so we only saw the first half.

7. Worked a little on Pogo badges.

8. Level 32 Draenei warrior. Finished Reclaiming the Charred Vale sequence, dinging 33 in the process. Did various Shimmering Flats quests.

9. BigFishGame was something blechy looking; I don't even remember what it is.

I'll probably play a little Wedding Dash or Miss Management now.

Monday, July 30, 2007

7/29: What I Accomplished Today

1. Puzzle Day. We did two weeks worth since we didn't get our puzzles in time for last week; we won one week and came in second the other.

2. Took a nap.

3. Did my bit on chapter six of Deadly Hallows.

4. Worked on Pogo badges.

5. We watched the extras on Bridge of the River Kwai, Big Love, and some other comedy stuff. Several years ago, we saw a fact-vs.-fiction on the film that indicated that the fact quotient wasn't bad on this movie, but the indications in the stuff we saw today is that the whole William Holden subplot was made up. If that means the rest is factually true, but there wasn't an American seaman who returned after a daring escape to help blow up the bridge, I get that, but if that means there was no little squad that came to blow up the bridge, then the fact-vs.-fiction quotient is horrendous. I think it's the former, but I have no way of knowing that.

6. BigFishGame is called Daycare Nightmare. It's a cute game, but I've played themes and variations of this a gamillion times before; I probably won't buy it.

7. Played a few more levels of Wedding Dash.

8. Level 32 Draenei Warrior. Stalvan. Keep trying to solo other quests and failing; I guess I'm going to have look more in earnest for groups. Blech.

Sunday, July 29, 2007

7/28: What I Accomplished Today

1. I've been trying to do my research on a chapter and listen to a Harry Potter CD each day, but it's too much, and I'm not getting much recreational time. Today I started the next chapter of research, but decided I'd only do one or the other, and I listened to the next CD.

2. The lady came and cleaned the house today. Her family picked her up, though, so we didn't have to take her home.

3. Finally finished this pass-through on Malory. Trying to see if I can divide what looks like five reading assignments into four weeks.

4. Started book for book group, Snow Flower and the Secret Fan. So far, this is a really enjoyable book. (We didn't meet in July because so many people were traveling, so this is for August.

5. Level 32 Draenei warrior. Syndicate Assassins and Crushridge. Tried a few others, but she doesn't quite have the hit points to pull them off.