Saturday, September 29, 2007

9/28: What I Accomplished Today

1. Grinding reputation for Level 39 Draenei warrior. It's all but impossible to grind Silverwing rep when Alliance never seems to cap a flag in Warsong Gulch. Blech.

2. Television and Pogo badges.

3. Played some Miss Management.

4. Level 39 Draenei warrior soloed Stockades and then did the Bazil Thredd follow-up sequence, which was stupidly easy at 39. I had decided nobody else was doing that sequence, and then I got the final prize, which is a wicked good ring. Everybody else is doing that sequence. I need nine of those rings in my life.

I have no idea how I'm paying for seven mounts. The first character is 39. Panic is setting in. (Apparently, the mount itself isn't the hard part; the riding lessons are the expensive part.)(The warlock and paladin will apparently get mounts for free. I do not know if this includes the riding lessons or not. It seems to, but I'm unsure.) I had an idea to make some cash today; we'll see if it works.

5. Read a lot of magazines.

Friday, September 28, 2007

9/27: What I Accomplished Today

1. Went to lunch. Had dum-dum food.

2. WOW. Ran five characters through the Harvest Festival quest.

3. Television and Pogo Badges.

Watched I Heart Huckabees. This was a very funny, different movie. We enjoyed it very much, but I can see that it's not gonna be a mass-market hit.

4. Ran the last two characters through Harvest Festival. (I did one last night, but it didn't count because she's a Draenei; I also did run the other Draenei through it, sensibly enough.) Then I went back to the Level 39 Draenei Warrior. Working on Warsong and Arathi rep. Tedious.

5. Played some Miss Management.

6. I expect I'll finish Reading Without Nonsense tonight. Smith has some very good common-sense observations (programmatic education methods don't work because people aren't Skinner boxes), but on the other hand, I'm not sure I agree with him that there's no such thing as dyslexia, however. Interesting and thought-provoking.

Thursday, September 27, 2007

9/26: What I Accomplished Today

1. Prepped a class, graded three classes, taught a class. Had time in between to take a nice walk.

2. Television and Pogo badges.

3. Level 39 Draenei Warrior. Noticed it was Harvest Festival last night, but that quest doesn't work for Draenei (I confirmed this, and no dice, which is a shame; at level 39, a boost to all Alliance reps would have been nice). Right now, I'm working on Reputation with the Warsong Gulch and Arathi Basin factions. Tomorrow, I'll probably try to get the seven relevant characters through the Harvest Festival sequence. Next week is Beerfest, which I'm looking forward to. (Mount? Really?)

4. Finished the levels of Cake Mania 2. Then checked the High Scores. I wasn't on Local. I paid full price for this, and the High Scores feature doesn't work? Checked the global, and I wasn't on it. I'd just finished a complete sequence of levels, and I'm not on the globals at all? Highly unlikely, since the lowest in the 100 were only for a few hundred. Broken High Score Feature. I figured maybe it was for the Endless rather than the Career mode, so I played a few levels of that. Does SandLotGames know how an Endless feature works? The customers still come in waves; you just don't get to upgrade any features between waves. That's not an Endless feature. That's just an irritating variation of gameplay.

Wednesday, September 26, 2007

9/25: What I Accomplished Today

1. Stepfather's birthday. Called him. Didn't get a callback; he may be hunting.

2. Went to a training session for the gradebook in the Distance Ed interface. Did various chores on the main campus (library books, signing contracts, picking up mail).

3. Prepped a class, graded a class, taught a class.

4. Television, Pogo badges, and conversation.

5. Level 38 Draenei warrior. Patch 2.2, so that took some time, and then I didn't have my UI, so that took some time. Alterac Syndicate quests. Dinged 39.

6. Played some Miss Management.

7. Finished a Frank Smith book which was essentially a FAQ that was more a book of the history of psycholinguistics and its history interspersed among some random thoughts on the teaching of reading, all of which was interesting, but none of which seemed to add up to a book. Now I've started another book of his, Reading Without Nonsense.

Tuesday, September 25, 2007

9/24: What I Accomplished Today

Looks like I've lost a day somewhere, but I'm not sure where.

1. Prepped a class, graded a class, taught a class.

2. Television and Pogo badges. (Well, actually, tonight was less television and more conversation. I should probably be noting that; many nights are.)

3. Put together Co-Vivant's list of stuff she wants for her birthday. She is not a stuff-oriented person, so she seldom remembers what all she has mentioned in passing that she'd like to have; that is my job. However, this year, with all the delightful hullaballoo flying, the accusation has been raised that her list of stuff is stuff I want. Now that's goofy. She likes DVD's; she likes to archive things that way, so she likes to own every season of television shows she enjoys. Me, not so much. She's mentioned several books as well. Now these aren't books I'm particularly interested in; in fact, I've checked both of them out at the library for her to read, and renewed them to boot; neither of us touched them. She didn't happen to be in a reading mode in that six week period, and--well, in those six weeks, I could have finished either of those books 12 or 15 times, and I chose not to read either of them because I'm not interested in them. But everything except the specific business stuff, apparently, is something I want.

I know it's silly, and in a few days it'll be funny, but the very idea that I'm so very, very greedy that I put things I want on her list--oh, well. (Now, to be fair, there was one year in which we needed several household things, and she didn't have any particular things she wanted or needed, so I put them on her list because I had some things I did actively want--and I said right up front that was what I was doing, so we could all share that laugh together. I thought.)

I can't wait for her to turn 50. I know the actual dinner will be fun, and then afterwards, this ridiculous Sturm und Drung should be over.

Monday, September 24, 2007

9/22: What I Accomplished Today

1. Puzzle Day. Birthday party for Co-Vivant's sister. We lost Puzzle Day because I have no focus and ergo no mojo. C'est la vie.

2. Television and Pogo badges.

3. Level...where did I leave off? I don't remember. Anyway, I worked on Stranglewhatever quests, and when I finished, I was level 38. I don't remember if this happened today or yesterday.

4. Today's BigFishGame is Kudo Rock Star. I was suckered into buying the original Kudos game, and found that although the original demo hour was fun, the game doesn't hold up for me; the game seems to feel people should be much more sociable than I do. I had a good time with this game's hour, but I don't really want to be locked into such an inflexible protocol again.

5. Reading Building Literacy Connections with Graphic Novels. Still. It's not a long enough book to be taking me this long.

Sunday, September 23, 2007

9/21: What I Accomplished Today

1. Co-Vivant did various tasks helping family members, so I watched On the Waterfront, a NetFlix movie she didn't want to see again. That was very good. (Several different places in the features and commentary mentioned the analogies between the film and Kazan's HUAC testimony, but unless he thought the Communist Party was an extremely powerful organization with a deadlock on Hollywood, which seems unlikely, I don't think the analogy holds.)

2. Went to the funeral for the husband of a member of my book group.

3. Television and Pogo badges. We watched a Bill Moyers' Journal on Rachel Carson with a woman who has written a one-woman show about her; we both enjoyed this very much.

4. Didn't really feel like WOW, so I just checked various characters' mail.

5. BigFishGame today is Dr. Daisy Pet Vet. Not a bad game, but again, we've all played this approximately 729 times before, and in the nine minutes I played before I was bored, I didn't see anything fresh and new enough to make this worthwhile. I played a little Miss Management instead.