Friday, September 26, 2008

9/26 One more thing about Palin

One more thing I meant to mention about Palin.

I'm from southwestern Ohio. I grew up on the Cincinnati Reds. They were wonderful. If you got straight A's in school, you got tickets to Reds games. And what a thrilling time that was to be a Reds fan--I'm talking about 1975-78 range. They were our team, and we ruled the world for five months a year.

And then that most wonderful news of all--the Reds were going to be owned by a woman! Oh, could life be more exciting! The most wonderful sports institution in the world would be the first major-league team to be owned by a woman! Oh, what joy would be mine.

And then we met her. The nearest equivalent I can think of is, what if we learned that the world had chosen the most fit human, both physically and mentally, to be the first astronaut to Mars. And there would be years of fitness trials, and everyone would have a chance.

And then the guy they picked was Carrot Top.

And the woman who would be the first owner of a major sports franchise was Marge Schott.

I'm having the same response to Palin I had then--oh, I'm thrilled that a woman's being considered, but I can't help but think this isn't the right woman for the job.