Saturday, October 6, 2007

10/5: What I Accomplished Today

1. Co-Vivant's birthday! Went to Star Trek: The Experience; we were both concerned, but it ended up being really well done and fun. Even the restaurant was good, fresh food instead of the franchised generic blah we were expecting.

2. Birthday dinner! This was really fun; she had a blast, and everyone else seemed to, too.

3. A little bit of badge work when we got home, but we're both exhausted.

4. Level 36 Gnome Warlock; started Desolace, but again, I'm too exhausted to have any concentration, so I think I'm just going to go to sleep.

Friday, October 5, 2007

10/4: What I Accomplished Today

1. Finished The Helm of Horror and some magazines.

2. Television and Pogo badges.

3. Level 35 Gnome Warlock. Worked on Deadmines; couldn't finish Van Cleef. Worked on Stockades; finished Targarr, Dextren, and the scarves. Finished Missing Diplomat.

Man, that looks unproductive.

Thursday, October 4, 2007

10/3: What I Accomplished Today

1. Spent all day thinking there's something I'm supposed to be remembering, and then I remembered: This used to be my anniversary for six years or so. Just as well it isn't any more, but it was nice for awhile. This would have been...the 17th anniversary had that relationship lasted.

2. Prepped a class, graded one full class and most of two others, taught a class.

3. Television and Pogo badges.

4. Level 40 Draenei Warrior through Brewfest quests.

5. Level 35 Gnome Warlock through Brewfest quests, Northfold manor, and some Kurzen stuff.

6. Downloaded the new Diner Dash; I won't buy it until after dinner on Friday, but I've played the demo, anyway.

7. Read a fair amount in The Helmet of Horror, a modern retelling of the Theseus myth that's sort of No Exit in a chat room.

Wednesday, October 3, 2007

10/2: What I Accomplished Today

1. No, I don't know why I labeled yesterday 10/30 instead of 10/1. My guess is that I went off the 9/30 title and only remembered to change the month.

2. Prepped a class, graded a class, taught a class.

3. Television and Pogo badges. (This is more fun since I finished that ridiculous Backgammon badge that's been clogging up my personal challenge slot for a month.)

4. Brewfest began! Did a few quests with the level 35 Gnome Warlock. Then took the level 40
Draenei warrior; the mount possibility might be best for her. They also integrated live chat tonight, apparently, so there was a lot of lag, making it impossible to finish some of the timed quests. That was sucky; I'm hoping it's better when there are fewer people.

5. BigFishGame looks like a lame, generic three-matchy. Played Carrie the Caregiver 2; again, cute game, but nothing I haven't played before; I probably won't buy it. (I bought the original and haven't felt like it has much replay value.)

6. Build-a-Lot. This is a dumb, silly, addictive game when I'm in the right mood.

Tuesday, October 2, 2007

10/30: What I Accomplished Today

1. Went by Northern Trust to drop off my membership dues for Literary Society.

2. Met with a publisher's rep.

3. Prepped a class, graded a class, taught a class.

4. Television and Pogo badges. (Finally finished the blasted Backgammon thing I've been working on for a month. Hurray!)

5. Level 35 Gnome Warlock. Did some miscellaneous Alterac junk. Died. Fished.

6. Totally caught up on my magazines today. I haven't been totally caught up on magazines for six or eight weeks, so this is good.

Co-Vivant spent 8-8 or so today at a trade show; she had conferences she attended all day for C.E.'s and met various friends who aren't local for lunch and dinner. This is her birthday week, so I hope she has a good time.

Monday, October 1, 2007

9/30: What I Accomplished Today

1. Won Puzzle Day! Hurray! And Co-Vivant had her birthday celebration with her family, which was very nice.

2. Read a lot of magazines today.

3. Television and Pogo badges.

4. Got level 39 Draenei Warrior to 40. Stats check and mail check. Her reputation is nowhere near Exalted with any level. Ugh.

Then I started the Level 35 Gnome Warlock with some run-around Warlock quest stuff. Something too exciting too far.

5. Played a little Miss Management; no mojo. Played a little Build-A-Lot; no mojo. I am apparently a mojo-free zone today.

Sunday, September 30, 2007

9/29: What I Accomplished Today

1. Went to Costco while lady who cleans house did so.

2. Took said lady home and went to Target on the way back. Except for the actual grocery store, that takes care of the beginning-of-the-month shopping.

3. Television and Pogo badges.

4. Level 39 Draenei warrior. Went to Gnomeregan for the first time; advanced one quest and finished another of the six. This was fun. I then went to the Arathi Highlands to make a little progress there.

5. Wrapped and organized Co-Vivant's birthday presents for the week.

6. Played a little Miss Management.