Saturday, November 3, 2007

11/2: What I Accomplished Today

1. Finished mail check.

2. We went to see Debbie Reynolds today. A little breathier than she used to be, and the intonation wasn't quite as precise as she used to be, but if that's the worst that happens to me at 75, I'll be pretty grateful.

The show was at a local's casino. We walked in, and within about five minutes, we had arrived at the conclusion that, aside from a few employees, we were the youngest, healthiest people in the building. Within an hour, we added to that: After us, the youngest, healthiest person in the building is probably Debbie Reynolds.

The show was really fun; she sang a little, told some jokes, talked about her life some, and showed some video clips. Just good, clean, silly fun.

(Before the show, we had dinner at the steakhouse. That was better than we'd expected and had a really lovely view of the city.)

3. Television and Pogo badges.

4. Level 35 Human Paladin. Had some cleanup to do in Stranglethorn.

5. BigFishGame is another dumb searchy-findy. It looks like there's something new at PlayFirst I might enjoy, but I should go to sleep now.

6. Read some magazines. Finished the grammar book I started yesterday; again, I agree that the Kolln was above the reading level of most of our students. She's been using a book by Kirscher and somebody else, and I rather liked its approach. At first, I didn't at all agree with the topics covered or their order, but as I went through it, I began to understand the approach they were taking. It's a consideration; I'll have to see if I can get a desk copy for the fall.

7. Started The Secret Supper. I have no idea where this book came from, but it was on the pile.

Friday, November 2, 2007

11/1: What I Accomplished Today

1. Went to the library to pick up some books I'd ordered.

2. Level 39 Draenei shaman. Dustwallow.

3. Television & Pogo badges.

4. Began Rhetorical Grammar. A colleague used to require this book in comp and stopped because students couldn't read it; I see what she means, but it may still have interesting, useful information.

5. Level 39 Draenei shaman. Dustwallow. Dinged 40. Bought mount. Stats check. Started mail check, but a message came that the server's rebooting.

Thursday, November 1, 2007

10/31: What I Accomplished Today

1. Prepped a class, graded three classes, taught a class.

2. Television and Pogo badges.

3. Didn't feel like playing the Level 39 Draenei Shaman; fished a little, but that was it. Played a little Miss Management. Played Lottso Deluxe.

4. Read some magazines and a big chunk of Water for Elephants.

Wednesday, October 31, 2007

10/30: What I Accomplished Today

This autofilled, indicating I already have a post of this name. I shouldn't. I wonder why that happened.

1. Prepped a class, graded a class, taught a class.

2. Television and Pogo badges.

3. I finished Blink last night. Let me make a few comments before I forget:

a. Any standardized test or writing sample is an attempt to thin-slice. The Placement program I administer is rather like the Cook County hospital in Chicago's work with heart patient; we decided to reject a lot of the information we had been gathering and found we got better data.

b. This book is a good example of concrete vs. abstract. The stories and examples are fascinating. The generalizations only work to the extent that you remember the anecdotes.

c. The stuff with the facial expressions was really interesting ("a faked smile is #5; a genuine smile is #5 with #12" or some such). I'd be interested in learning more about this.

It seems like I had other things I wanted to say about this book, but now I cannot remember what they were.

4. Level 39 Draenei shaman. Started the naga in Arathi and realized I wasn't having fun; I hate those three naga quests. So I just didn't do them! Bwahaha! I am diabolical. (I know, I am lame.)

5. Read some magazines and started Water for Elephants, which is very enjoyable so far.

Tuesday, October 30, 2007

10/29: What I Accomplished Today

1. Prepped a class, graded a class, taught a class.

2. Television and Pogo badges.

3. Level 39 Draenei Shaman. Arathi Basin and Highlands. Got to the naga quests. I hate the naga quests. I'll do them tomorrow.

4. Tried to play Miss Management, but I have no mojo.

5. Read some magazines. I think I'll go read Blink now.

Monday, October 29, 2007

10/28: What I Accomplished Today

1. I think all I ate yesterday was four slices of pizza and a bag of Milano cookies. Probably not one of my better moves.

2. Level 38 Draenei Shaman. Arathi Highlands. Dinged 39. Finished Bazil Thredd in Stockades and did that little quest chain.

3. Television and Pogo badges.

4. Read several magazines and made good progress in Blink, which is very interesting.

5. Level 39 Draenei Shaman. Arathi Basin. Had lag, so only played once. (Why do people in their 30s call other people in their 30s noobs? Are they familiar with what the word actually means?)

Sunday, October 28, 2007

10/27: What I Accomplished Today

1. Lunch.

2. Level 37 Draenei Shaman. Stranglethorn. Missing Diplomat. Triage. Alterac. Dinged 38 in there somewhere. (This is spread throughout the day and night. I'm not feeling linear or chronological.)

I do not want to be in your guild if your guild's name has no capital letters. I do not want to be in your guild if the name implies date rape (like "Sapped Girls Can't Say No"). I do not want to be in your guild if you rudely and stupidly thrust your petition in front of me while I am reading my mail or looking at my bank vault. I am level 38. I have not been waiting 38 levels for your guild to enter my life. I really don't want to be in your guild if you violate these simple rules, and I probably don't want to be in your guild anyway. Please leave me alone.

3. Television & Pogo badges.

4. BigFishGame is something about Nando where you're drawing paths. Surprisingly engaging.

5. Read several magazines, and read more in Blink, which is very interesting.

6. For some reason, I just checked my Playfirst Medals. I'm not convinced they're all there.