Saturday, October 13, 2007

10/12: What I Accomplished Today

1. Didn't make it to conference at all; house has apparently gone insane.

2. Television and Pogo badges.

3. Got mount for Level 40 Draenei Warrior. Level 35 Dwarf Rogue: Alterac, Stranglethorn, and Desolace. Dinged 36.

4. BigFishGame looks dumb.

5. Read more in In the Company of the Courtesan. I was hoping to have this read before book group tomorrow, but it doesn't look like that's going to happen.

6. The stench from this mouthpad make my lips taste funny when I lick them. I hope it wears off soon.

Friday, October 12, 2007

10/11: What I Accomplished Today

1. Met with colleague about conference presentation we're giving on Saturday.

2. Read various magazines and made more progress in In the Company of the Courtesan.

3. Television and Pogo badges.

4. Level 39 Gnome Warlock. Arathi Highlands. Dinged 40. Trained, getting Felsteed. Hurray! First mount!

Stats check & Mail check. Between Warlock & Warrior, enough money so that Warrior should be able to buy mount tomorrow. Yahoozie!

5. I need to go to bed so I can go to the beginning of the conference tomorrow. I'd really like to go to the keynote; the speaker is the editor of one of the more useful journals, and I'm sure he'll have really interesting, important things to say, but I really, really hate 9 in the morning. So we'll see.

Thursday, October 11, 2007

10/10: What I Accomplished Today

1. I think I mentioned that Monday started with a plumbing leak and a dryer vent issue. Yesterday started with Co-Vivant figuring out the guy who had come out to fix the plumbing thing went in through the wrong clean-out and Bad Things Happened. (I have no idea what that sentence means.) Today started okay, but the electricity went out at noon. She's not having a good week.

2. Prepped a class, graded four classes, taught a class.

3. Television and Pogo badges. Personal Challenge Marathon! Unfortunately, the sight was slow, so I didn't get to work on all of my badges. (I have seven right now: the two weekly, the three Personal Challenges, my Word game Premium Album badge, and my Mix 'n' Match album.)

4. Level 39 Gnome Warlock. Soloed Dead Mines (hurray!). Finished Stockades quest and got that way cool Seal of Wrynn ring. Pleased and smug.

5. Played a little Hometown Heroes.

6. Read a little more in In the Company of the Courtesan.

Wednesday, October 10, 2007

10/9: What I Accomplished Today

1. Went to lunch with Co-Vivant. We went to Steiner's; we'd heard of it but hadn't been there before. Pretty good.

2. Prepped a class, graded a class and parts of two others, taught a class.

3. Television and Pogo badges. Watched Koppel's report on the California prison system; depressing, but interesting.

4. Level 39 Gnome Warlock. Played a little in Arathi Basin. We got a new mouse mat when we were at Star Trek: The Experience for Co-Vivant's birthday, and it still has that horrid New Rubber Mouse Mat smell. (The plastic ones don't smell, but they also don't give you any traction with your mouse.) I hope this smell goes away soon; I don't even wanna sit here and play while this mouse mat still has a smell.

5. Not reading Math for Mystics because this month's book for the book club came and I realized I only have until Saturday evening to read it.

Tuesday, October 9, 2007

10/8: What I Accomplished Today

1. When I woke up, the toilet had backed up. My Co-Vivant thought the school had Columbus Day off, so necessary undergarments were in the washer. The problem was that, as we put them in the dryer, the vent came loose, so that delayed the whole laundry thing. She had already called the plumber, but during my "I-am-not-really-awake-please-don't-talk-to-me-yet" part of the day, I was trying to help with damage control. The whole day is weird when you don't get groggy time.

2. Prepped a class, graded a class and two partial classes, taught a class.

3. Television and Pogo badges.

4. Level 38 Gnome Warlock. Alterac. Dinged 39.

5. Played some Flo: Hometown Heroes, but had no mojo. Played some Build-a-Lot; better mojo, but still not quite up to my normal standard of mojo.

6. Read a little in Math for Mystics. A little more airy-fairy than I expected; I expected a discussion of the link between math and mysticism, but not one written by a Wicca. It's certainly interesting, and the perspective is one I don't see often, but I was expecting to read this book in Scholarly mode, and instead I need to read it in New Age mode. Mode adjustment is hard to do.

Monday, October 8, 2007

10/7: What I Accomplished Today

1. Went to Costco and bought some stuff we needed.

2. No Puzzle Day because the Fellas are out of town.

3. Level 38 Gnome Warlock. Stranglethorn.

4. Television and Pogo badges.

5. Level 38 Gnome Warlock. Did the Artisan first aid quest (the first time!) and some clean-up in Gadgetzan. Poised for Alterac tomorrow.

6. BigFishGame is a three-shooty. Excused.

Sunday, October 7, 2007

10/6: What I Accomplished Today

1. Talked to my mother. She was relieved the party last night went well.

2. Level 36 Gnome Warlock. Desolace. Dinged 37.

3. Television and Pogo badges.

4. Level 37 Gnome Warlock. Stranglethorn. Dinged 38.

Nice, useless day.