Tuesday, October 9, 2007

10/8: What I Accomplished Today

1. When I woke up, the toilet had backed up. My Co-Vivant thought the school had Columbus Day off, so necessary undergarments were in the washer. The problem was that, as we put them in the dryer, the vent came loose, so that delayed the whole laundry thing. She had already called the plumber, but during my "I-am-not-really-awake-please-don't-talk-to-me-yet" part of the day, I was trying to help with damage control. The whole day is weird when you don't get groggy time.

2. Prepped a class, graded a class and two partial classes, taught a class.

3. Television and Pogo badges.

4. Level 38 Gnome Warlock. Alterac. Dinged 39.

5. Played some Flo: Hometown Heroes, but had no mojo. Played some Build-a-Lot; better mojo, but still not quite up to my normal standard of mojo.

6. Read a little in Math for Mystics. A little more airy-fairy than I expected; I expected a discussion of the link between math and mysticism, but not one written by a Wicca. It's certainly interesting, and the perspective is one I don't see often, but I was expecting to read this book in Scholarly mode, and instead I need to read it in New Age mode. Mode adjustment is hard to do.

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