Saturday, December 8, 2007

12/7: What I Accomplished Today

1. Co-Vivant had part of her toenail removed this morning. Not a big deal, but she spent the day getting over the local; she also enjoyed getting to see the procedure and the shard that had been causing her pain in such, so she was running on adrenaline; the combination of anesthesia and adrenaline meant I had to keep more of an eye on her today than I thought I'd have to. (I thought she'd sleep all day.) But she should feel better now, so that'll be good.

2. Level 39 Night Elf Hunter. Alterac and Stockades. Dinged 40.

3. Television and Pogo badges.

4. Stats and mail checks.

5. Read a healthy chunk in The Jesus Dynasty. I can't figure out this book; sometimes, it seems scholarly and legitimate, particularly in the archaeology sections, but then he makes a bonehead mistake, like confusing "Nazarene" and "Nazirite." I like the approach that he's willing to think through anything whether it's "offensive to faith or not"--but some things that he establishes as possibilities he then treats later as foregone conclusion. No, no, no. I'll accept that it's possible that Simon the Zealot is Simon the brother of Jesus. Possible. But that doesn't mean that, a few pages later, you can outright say, "Simon the Zealot was the younger brother of Jesus," for example. Establishing a possibility does not establish a fact; sixth graders understand that.

6. The BigFishGame looks like a holiday adaptation of Teddy Factory, which has fun potential; I also wanted to play Farm Frenzy. However, it looks like tomorrow we have to figure out foot treatment, and I have to figure out some sort of food for Puzzle Day on Sunday, so I can't fritter all of tonight away.

Friday, December 7, 2007

12/6: What I Accomplished Today

1. I don't usually work on Thursdays, but next week was just gonna be hell on a Popsicle stick unless I got a little more accomplished. Placement stats and newsletter, a few little student thingybubs, graded most of a class, did some miscellaneous stuff.

2. Television and Pogo badges.

3. Reading more in The Jesus Dynasty. The archaeological material is interesting, but I find it hard to believe that there are a lot of educated adult humans who don't already know the Biblical stuff; you don't have to be a particularly devout Christian, or even a Christian at all, to know that Jesus' genealogy traces to David.

4. Level 38 Night Elf Hunter. Stranglethorn and the new early quests in Theramore. Dinged 39.

5. Now I'm going to play The Office and probably some Farm Frenzy.

Thursday, December 6, 2007

12/5: What I Accomplished Today

Apparently missed yesterday. Prepped a class, graded two classes, taught a class. Read more in Lost Gospel of Judas. Television and Pogo badges (watched the first two episodes of Tin Man, which was better than anticipated). Level 38 Night Elf Hunter worked in Stranglethorn for awhile.


1. Prepped a class, graded a class (only got one done because the pile was so huge), taught a class.

2. Television and Pogo badges, including the end of Tin Man. Interesting riff on The Wizard of Oz.

3. Finished Lost Gospel of Judas. Next book in the pile: The Jesus Dynasty. When I saw it was another book on a Christian topic, I chuckled to myself and started to reach for the next book, but then I thought, no, let's read 'em in order. I thought it was another "Jesus Married Mary Magdalene" book, but it's about his genealogy and its royal ramifications. (Is anyone not familiar with this theory? I can't imagine that that's the case, but it must be true, because a lot of these books have been produced.)

4. Level 38 Night Elf Hunter. Private Thorsen. Decided time was a-wastin' and I wouldn't play more tonight.

I'm probably going to play some Farm Frenzy now.

Tuesday, December 4, 2007

12/2: What I Accomplished Today

1. Prepped a class, graded two classes, taught a class.

2. Television and Pogo badges.

3. All nine characters did three Darkmoon turn-ins; this resulted in 27 Lesser Prizes: 1 gem, 4 patterns (2 blacksmith, 1 tailor, 1 leatherworking), and 22 items, 8 of which were auctioned off and 14 of which were either current or future equipment upgrades.

4. BigFishGames is The Office, which looks like it might be a fun time-management game. I finished all the levels of Farm Frenzy last night, and now I'm going to work on getting at least silver on every level.

5. Read more Lost Gospel of Judas Iscariot.

Monday, December 3, 2007

12/2: What I Accomplished Today

1. We won Puzzle Day.

2. Took a brief nap.

3. Level 36 Night Elf Hunter. Desolace. Dinged 37.

4. Television and Pogo Badges.

We watched The DaVinci Code. Worth seeing once.

5. Level 37 Night Elf Hunter. Desolace. Dinged 38. Preparing for Darkmoon.

6. Reading The Lost Gospels of Judas Iscariot. It's a good primer for anyone interested in Gnosticism (and has good explanations of apocalypticism and other terms it's easy to use sloppily).

7. Now I'm going to play more Farm Frenzy.

Sunday, December 2, 2007

12/1: What I Accomplished Today

1. Costco.

2. Took home lady who cleans house.

3. Birthday party for one of the Fellas.

4. Television and Pogo badges.

5. WOW auction stuff and a little hunter fishing.

6. Read some magazines and continue to make progress in The Lost Gospel of Judas Iscariot.

7. Now I'm going to play Farm Frenzy, which is very deep and rich.