Saturday, December 29, 2007

12/28: What I Accomplished Today

1. Spoke to aunt & uncle and made arrangements for evening's entertainment.

2. Co-Vivant played WoW with me! She created a Human Rogue. We got it to level 2, and then we went to Ironforge to get our Christmas presents (this was with my level 43 Draenei warrior, the last of my characters to get her holiday gifts). I don't think she had a very good time, but we'll see.

3. Played a little Farm Frenzy. I also read more in The Amber Spyglass and took a nap.

4. Went to dinner with my aunt & uncle and then saw the late show of Blue Man Group. This was really fun!

5. Came home and watched a little TV; not much, because we were tired, and I had no energy for Pogo badges.

Friday, December 28, 2007

12/27: What I Accomplished Today

1. WOW auction stuff.

2. Finished The Subtle Knife; started The Amber Spyglass.

3. My aunt and uncle are in town, so we had dinner with them. Very fun.

4. A little television and Pogo badges.

5. I actually went to bed at this point because I was tired. I was up a few hours later, though, doing more auction stuff.

Thursday, December 27, 2007

12/26: What I Accomplished Today

1. More reading in Subtle Knife. Also read several magazines.

2. Television and Pogo badges.

3. Co-Vivant said she would play WOW with me and try it! Installed it on her laptop so's mebbe we can do that tomorrow.

4. Level 42 Draenei warrior. Stranglethorn. Dinged 43. Auction stuff. Made low-level items for Co-Vivant's character.

Wednesday, December 26, 2007

12/25: What I Accomplished Today

1. Christmas! This was very fun.

2. Took a nap.

3. Put away some Christmas gifts, and sorted others into destination piles.

4. Television and Pogo badges.

5. Read several magazines and a nice, healthy chunk of The Subtle Knife.

6. Played Sims 2 for awhile, which I hadn't done for awhile. Just did auction stuff in WOW and had four more characters pick up their Christmas gifts; that just leaves one, the one I've been playing.

Tuesday, December 25, 2007

12/24: What I Accomplished Today

1. Level 41 Draenei Warrior. Stranglethorn. Dinged 42.

2. Christmas Eve dinner with Co-Vivant's family. Very fun.

3. Television and Pogo badges.

4. Made a batch of meringue cookies and wrapped the last few presents.

5. Got four of my WOW characters' Christmas prezzies. They're all getting more or less the same things; they're cool things, but since I know everyone's getting the same, there's no urgency to pick them all up. I'll get the other five tomorrow or in a few days.

6. Yesterday's BigFishGame was Bookworm Adventure; I've been waiting a long time for it to come to BigFish from PopCap, so I got that one. Played that one. May play it a little more now, or may play a little more Farm Frenzy or Miss Management before I go to rest a little bit for Christmas.

Monday, December 24, 2007

12/23: What I Accomplished Today

1. Puzzle Day. We came in second both weeks. Blech.

2. Took a nap.

3. Level 41 Draenei warrior. Dustfallow. Dinged 42. Fishing.

4. Television and Pogo badges. For some reason, we watched several shows about the abilities of dogs.

A cousin sent an e-mail link to pictures of a family Christmas gathering for a part of the family I haven't seen in 15 years or so. It's funny how everybody has turned into one of their parents.

5. Finished Golden Compass; started Subtle Knife. Also read several magazines.

6. Finished the Halloween candy. I was really impressed that we ate one or two pieces a day instead of gallumphing them all down. Hurray.

7. Level 42 Draenei warrior. Finished the cooking quest and the Kalimdor half of the fishing quest.

Sunday, December 23, 2007

12/22: What I Accomplished Today

1. Level 40 Draenei Warrior. Alterac.

2. Read more in Golden Compass and several magazines, including MLA's Profession 2007. I'm reading primarily the K-16 articulation articles as they touch upon issues that come up in several venues for which I'm a representative.

3. Television and Pogo badges. We watched A Beautiful Mind a few nights ago, and tonight we listened to Ron Howard's comments. Some of the things he mentioned we had noticed, and others we had not, which is a good combination; we felt smart, but didn't feel that his comments were a waste of our time.

2. Level 41 Draenei Warrior. Arathi. Dinged 41.

I'm not really tired right now, but if I don't go to sleep, I'll be cranky (perhaps crankiER) for Puzzle Day.