Saturday, November 3, 2007

11/2: What I Accomplished Today

1. Finished mail check.

2. We went to see Debbie Reynolds today. A little breathier than she used to be, and the intonation wasn't quite as precise as she used to be, but if that's the worst that happens to me at 75, I'll be pretty grateful.

The show was at a local's casino. We walked in, and within about five minutes, we had arrived at the conclusion that, aside from a few employees, we were the youngest, healthiest people in the building. Within an hour, we added to that: After us, the youngest, healthiest person in the building is probably Debbie Reynolds.

The show was really fun; she sang a little, told some jokes, talked about her life some, and showed some video clips. Just good, clean, silly fun.

(Before the show, we had dinner at the steakhouse. That was better than we'd expected and had a really lovely view of the city.)

3. Television and Pogo badges.

4. Level 35 Human Paladin. Had some cleanup to do in Stranglethorn.

5. BigFishGame is another dumb searchy-findy. It looks like there's something new at PlayFirst I might enjoy, but I should go to sleep now.

6. Read some magazines. Finished the grammar book I started yesterday; again, I agree that the Kolln was above the reading level of most of our students. She's been using a book by Kirscher and somebody else, and I rather liked its approach. At first, I didn't at all agree with the topics covered or their order, but as I went through it, I began to understand the approach they were taking. It's a consideration; I'll have to see if I can get a desk copy for the fall.

7. Started The Secret Supper. I have no idea where this book came from, but it was on the pile.

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