Thursday, October 4, 2007

10/3: What I Accomplished Today

1. Spent all day thinking there's something I'm supposed to be remembering, and then I remembered: This used to be my anniversary for six years or so. Just as well it isn't any more, but it was nice for awhile. This would have been...the 17th anniversary had that relationship lasted.

2. Prepped a class, graded one full class and most of two others, taught a class.

3. Television and Pogo badges.

4. Level 40 Draenei Warrior through Brewfest quests.

5. Level 35 Gnome Warlock through Brewfest quests, Northfold manor, and some Kurzen stuff.

6. Downloaded the new Diner Dash; I won't buy it until after dinner on Friday, but I've played the demo, anyway.

7. Read a fair amount in The Helmet of Horror, a modern retelling of the Theseus myth that's sort of No Exit in a chat room.

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