Saturday, September 29, 2007

9/28: What I Accomplished Today

1. Grinding reputation for Level 39 Draenei warrior. It's all but impossible to grind Silverwing rep when Alliance never seems to cap a flag in Warsong Gulch. Blech.

2. Television and Pogo badges.

3. Played some Miss Management.

4. Level 39 Draenei warrior soloed Stockades and then did the Bazil Thredd follow-up sequence, which was stupidly easy at 39. I had decided nobody else was doing that sequence, and then I got the final prize, which is a wicked good ring. Everybody else is doing that sequence. I need nine of those rings in my life.

I have no idea how I'm paying for seven mounts. The first character is 39. Panic is setting in. (Apparently, the mount itself isn't the hard part; the riding lessons are the expensive part.)(The warlock and paladin will apparently get mounts for free. I do not know if this includes the riding lessons or not. It seems to, but I'm unsure.) I had an idea to make some cash today; we'll see if it works.

5. Read a lot of magazines.

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