Friday, August 3, 2007

8/2: What I Accomplished Today

1. Showed placement assistant how to do monthly stats.

2. Graded two classes.

3. Watched another Jeff Corwin Into Alaska and Simon Schama's Power of Art.

4. Level 30 Gnome Warlock. Lost Ingots. Noble Brew; it seems that I was paid 50 silver to poison someone. Finished Mordent Fell; some big guy (level 60) helped me. If you're tiny, people will apparently offer to help, even if you're an appropriate level (or close to it) and have a big humungous Voidwalker with you. I have mixed feelings about this. On the one hand, it's a little insulting that people assume this cute, tiny li'l gnome can't possible do this big, brave, hard quest by herself. I have made it to level 30. I am fully trained in all skills available to me and to my minions. I may not be able to finish it the first time, because nobody does, but I have a pretty good track record; I am fully capable of doing my quests myself. On the other hand, though, if the fact that my avatar is small and cute will make people for whom the quest is simple wish to help me with it, I don't guess that's a bad thing. Hearthed to Astranaar and picked up Kayneth Stillwind & Helping Hand. Flew to Forest Song to turn them in and flew to Ratchet to do Strahad. Then flew to Darnassus to wrap up the Charred Vale sequence. Fly, fly, fly.

5. BigFishGame is another Find the Stuff.

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