Tuesday, July 31, 2007

7/30: What I Accomplished Today

1. Had dum-dum food. Went to Costco so Co-Vivant could have her spectacles fixed.

2. Did very little work in Deathly Hallows today.

3. Finished Snow Flower and the Secret Fan for book group. Very enjoyable read.

4. Worked on Arthur.

5. The car radio was playing some Bach, and Co-Vivant didn't care for the orchestration. She made the comment that she'd like to hear Wanda whats-her-name play this on the harpsichord.

"I don't think it's Wanda; I think it's Wendy." And she looked at me as if I were a significant crack-head. "You know, Wendy. I can't remember the last name. But she was born Walter, and released the album, which did shockingly well on the charts for Bach, and then she had the surgery, so the re-releases have been as Wendy and not Walter." And she looked at me strangely again. And this story is so distinctive; I can't possibly have made it up, but how in the world is this not familiar to her? And why in the world is she sticking to this Wanda story?

So when we got home, we played Fun with L.P.'s. (These weren't CD's or cassettes; these were actual vinyl.) She brought out Wanda Landowska's Goldberg Variations. I brought out Wendy Carlos' Well-Tempered Synthesizer. We were both absolutely right. I think it's interesting how often that's the case.

6. Tivo picked up Chicken Little; we have a wishlist in for Amy Sedaris, and it's one of those I've suspected we'll want to see once but won't need to own, so rather than put it on Netflix, we let Tivo pick it up. I figured we'd hammer it out, probably parts in fast-forward, because it wasn't supposed to be so great, but it has enough cute moments in it that Co-Vivant wanted to see the end of it, so we only saw the first half.

7. Worked a little on Pogo badges.

8. Level 32 Draenei warrior. Finished Reclaiming the Charred Vale sequence, dinging 33 in the process. Did various Shimmering Flats quests.

9. BigFishGame was something blechy looking; I don't even remember what it is.

I'll probably play a little Wedding Dash or Miss Management now.

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