Friday, October 26, 2007

10/25: What I Accomplished Today

1. Had a meeting about program assessment. While on the main campus, went from office to office signing various junk that needed my signature.

2. Level 35 Draenei Shaman. Desolace. Dinged 36.

3. Television and Pogo badges. Started watching a new Masterpiece Theater, The Amazing Mrs. Pritchard. This features the actress we had best known as Bubble and various other roles on Absolutely Fabulously as a regular person who runs for Prime Minister. It's very good and entertaining. (Whenever we see there's a show on Masterpiece Theater neither of us have seen, we always say, "Oh, we'll start the first one, and if neither of us is enjoying it, we'll just stop." Almost every time, we get to the end and then look forward to the next part.)

4. Started Blink. Read magazines.

5. Level 36 Draenei Shaman. Desolace.

6. Miss Management.

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