Tuesday, April 24, 2007

4/23: What I Accomplished Today

1. Met with the computer guy about setting up my business website. Good news: I can probably do it. Better news: I can probably do it myself, so I will save myself hundreds of dollars that I'd have to pay someone else. Bad news: I can do it myself. I can have what I want if I'm willing to do the work myself. Is there a scarier answer than that?

2. Graded two sets of papers. Prepped and taught my class. MLA format day. The fact that it is my responsibility to teach MLA format makes it obvious to me that I was very, very evil in a previous life.

3. Met with the head of the Curriculum committee about what I'd need to do to have my Arthurian Literature course appear in the 2008 catalog. In order to make deadline, I need to get the syllabus sent to all the department chairs in the state tomorrow, but some of the books I needed to do this were at home, so I wrote a draft syllabus when I got home.

4. No Pogo badges today; I was scheduling Christien des Troyes and von Eschenburg instead. (I have the weekly ones done anyway.)

5. We watched some perfectly average stand-up comedians on One-Night Stand and Premium Blend. We also watched a Mad About You.

6. Tried to get my 24 Draenei Warrior to level 25 today, but I'm just too tired. I should be able to do it in less than an hour tomorrow, though.

7. The BigFishGame for today is called Rainbow and appears to feature a variety of color-matchy games. It is labeled "Fun for the whole family." My personal observation is that this frequently means it will be an enormous snooze for a 42-year-old, so I will not be playing this one.

8. Took out the trash, including changing the bag. Put a new water on the counter. I have decided these things need to be documented so I am not accused of never doing them.

There are a few shows we Tivo on the back (old) TiVo because either they're against other things we watch in the front room (like The Simpsons) or we'd rather watch them in the back as we fall asleep, like Ellen. Last night's Simpsons had Marge & Bart playing a World of Warcraft/Evercrack-like game. A few weeks ago, a friend gave us a copy of the World of Warcraft South Park, which I was really looking forward to, but we've apparently misplaced it. I hope it turns up.

It seems like I had a topic I was going to talk about for just a minute tonight, but I'm tired and can't remember what it was.

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