Tuesday, November 20, 2007

11/19: What I Accomplished Today

1. Prepped a class, graded a class, taught a class.

2. Television and Pogo badges.

3. Last night, I finished Little House on the Prairie. I'm almost done with On the Banks of Plum Creek now; I'll probably start the next one (which I believe is By the Shores of Silver Lake or some such) tonight. They're as good as I remember; she's very good with giving a sense of the day-to-day logistics. I hadn't read Farmer Boy before, I don't think. That's about her future husband, Almanzo, who spent his early years on a farm in New York; they lived very near a town, and his father was rather wealthy, so the social class is rather different than the Ingalls'. Interesting comparisons and contrast. (Mr. Wilder tells his son Almanzo that they're not going to use a threshing machine because such machines do a poor job and waste much of the grain; Charles Ingalls is big on progress and also has the threshing machine do its thing on his grain.)

4. Did some WOW auction work.

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