Monday, May 14, 2007

5/13: What I Accomplished Today

1. Puzzle Day! We didn't meet last week, so we had two weeks of puzzles. We came in second both weeks; that makes our coming-in-second streak three weeks. We don't usually go this long without winning. (We or the Fellas almost always win. Not to be mean or arrogant, but my Co-Vivant's mother and sister don't usually do very well at puzzle day; they might win four a year, and they're jerks about it when they do.)

We also had Mother's Day today. That was fun. Afterwards, we went shopping with my Co-Vivant's mother to buy a present for a friend who has a birthday party tomorrow.

2. Took a nap.

3. Played a little WOW, starting on the Level 20 Night Elf Priest. I made sure she had her level 20 training and trained her to Expert in alchemy. Then I headed to Stonetalon, where I was killed by deforesters ganking me. After I reclaimed, I got Super Reaper 6000, turned in On Guard in Stonetalon, and picked up Gnome's Respite. Then I finished Journey to Stormtalon Peak, taking Reclaim the Charred Vale. I got the flight path, fixed my items, and decided it was a good stopping point.

4. We watched The Trip to Bountiful, one of our Netflix movies. Wonderful film with wonderful performances. Both of us were looking at Jessie Mae, knowing there was something familiar about that face, so we looked her up on IMDB--and she's Mary Stuart Masterson's mother and looks a lot like her. One of the comparisons we'd been discussing with the film was Fried Green Tomatoes, so that was an interesting coincidence.

Although we both enjoyed this movie very much, we disagreed about its overriding tone; my Co-Vivant finds it very life-affirming, and I think that Mrs. Watt and Ludie have both consented to death. "But it's a coming-of-age film, I think, and they're coming to terms with the realities of their lives!" she said.

"Yes, I totally agree with that point. But Jessie was born dead, Mrs. Watt is ready to die now, and Ludie's been spending his whole life embracing death. In their different ways, they're all preparing to die."

"Coming-of-age" doesn't necessarily have to mean "coming-to-life," I don't think.

We also watched The Sopranos. Three more to go. I'm curious what's going to happen to A.J. Frankly, I've always assumed that the close to the series would be his first mob hit, and I can't tell whether Chase is going that way or not. He's certainly in with the right crowd for that to happen, but he seems nauseated by the acts of violence the thugs have performed so far (at least the racially-motivated beating, not so much the gambling-debt beating).

4. More Warcraft. I worked on the Pridewings; I died three times in the process, but I also dinged 21 and spent my Talent point on Divine Fury, level 3. I turned in Super Reaper and took Further Instructions. I turned in Gnome's Respite and took Old Colleague and Scroll for Mauren. I flew to Astrakaan (I know that's not spelled right) and turned in Pridewings. Then I ran to Ratchet, turning in Further Instructions and getting the next level. I also picked up the Deepmoss Spider Eggs quest and the flight path. I took the boat to Booty Bay and bought the book for Expert Fisherman Training; this is the first character I've done this for, but the priest had her fishing maxed at 150. I then picked up the flight path and flew to Stormwind.

I turned in Scroll for Mauren and picked up Devils in Westfall. I went to Westfall and picked up the beginning of the Defias Brotherhood, running to Redridge (and picking up Encroaching Gnolls on the way, then turning it in as I got the flight path). In Redridge, I picked up Price of Shoes, Messenger to Stormwind, Free Lunch, and the next level of Defias Brotherhood. I ran to turn in Free Lunch and picked up Visit the Herbalist. Then I ran across Elwynn, stopping in Goldthingy to do Price of Shoes and get Return to Verner. I did the Messenger to Stormwind and picked up the return trip. Then I flew to Westfall, finishing the Defias Brotherhood quests through the Traitor and picking up a Dust Devil.

Then I flew to Redridge and turned in Return to Verner, Messenger to Stormwind (taking Messenger to Westfall), Visit the Herbalist (picking up and then turning in Delivering Daffodils), Murloc Poachers (I had some Murloc Fins from before in my bank vault). Then I dinged 22 and spent my Talent point on Divine Fury 4. I picked up Unwelcome Guest; I died the first time, but this is an alchemist, so I had her make quite a few different potions and buff up, and she could do it the second time.

Then I flew to Stormwind and turned in Devils in Westfall and accepted Special Delivery for Gaxim and Retrieval for Mauren. I then flew to Westfall and decided that was a good ending place for the night.

5. Yesterday's BigFishGame is called Bird Pirates; it doesn't look like fun at first glance. Today's game is War on Folvos and looks to be a strategy game; I like those sometimes, but I'm too tired tonight. Maybe tomorrow.

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