Wednesday, May 9, 2007

5/8: What I Accomplished Today

1. Graded two sets of papers; had a class turn in its last set of stuff.

2. Let more of the day than I should have be sucked up by discussions of assessment, but it has to happen, and I don't want people to go off on this next week while I'm trying to enjoy my time off.

3. Watched some television; no recollection of what it was.

4. Finished Pogo's Solitaire Playground Premium Badge Book. Worked a little on my other premium badge.

5. Played the Level 24 Night Elf Druid awhile, but didn't level. Didn't really feel like it; couldn't get a groove.

6. Finally finished Fairy Godmother Tycoon. This is good, clean, silly fun.

Forgive me, but I'm just brain dead this evening. Maybe I'll be able to muster a thought or two tomorrow.

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