Saturday, August 25, 2007

8/24: What I Accomplished Today

1. Guy from Cox came to switch us over to digital telephone; it's nominally cheaper than regular phone service, but we hate our telephone company and don't mind giving the money to Cox.

2. Finished Abundance, this month's book club book. Started Religious Literacy, which someone in book group lent me because she thought I'd find it interesting.

3. Watched our little Meerkat friends. We're worried that Mitch will go the way of Courageous Little Shakespeare.

4. Worked on Pogo badges.

5. Level 32 Human Paladin. Finished the big clump of Shimmering Flats quests and dinged 33. Working on Stranglething Thing quests.

6. Played a little Miss Management. This game is demented.

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