Tuesday, August 7, 2007

8/6: What I Accomplished Today

1. Useless today. (It's the week after my birthday, so I'm taking a research vacation.)

2. Watched stuff on television. No recollection of what it was. Wait; we saw that Meerkat Manor is starting the third season later this week, so I remember we watched the recap to refresh our memories for that.

3. Pogo badges.

4. Level 33 Gnome Warlock. Worked on various hunter quests in Stranglewhatever Dale. Dinged 34. Soloed Dark Mines except I couldn't do the last crummy battle, so I still don't have the Van Cleef items. Did miscellaneous Hillsbrad and Warlock quests; got Felhunter. Was hoping to get to 35 today, but couldn't quite pull it off.

5. Got a beta invitation for another game, so played the 45 minute focus group version of that.

6. Read quite a bit in Arthur. (I need to get the reading done soon because I'm not done writing it, and I was reminded today that school starts in less than a month. Blech.)

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