Tuesday, September 4, 2007

9/3: What I Accomplished Today

1. Finished the Dietrich bio. Interesting and tragic.

Maria Riva does one irritating thing in the book that Bill Maher does as well: she confuses "lesbian/gay" with "pedophile" or "sexual predator." Most homosexuals do not wish to have sex with inappropriately young people. (Everyone's own puberty is painful; can you imagine going through it again in the second person? Alternatively excruciatingly painful and excruciatingly tedious.) I read an article a number of years ago published by a psychiatrist or social worker that the majority of pedophiles are heterosexual males with some relationship with the child that ought to indicate trust.

Next comment: the pedophiles who make the news most often now are Catholic priests; aren't they gay? And I would answer: Well, to be honest, I do not believe I have ever met a Catholic priest who was either gay or a pedophile, so I am hardly an authority on the subject. However, from things I read a good while ago (before archdiocese after archdiocese hit the paper), we've got several different groups here: 1. Many men who become priests would have been heterosexual had they not had to be celibate. These men could potentially fit into the group at the end of the previous paragraph. 2. Other men who become priests would have been homosexual had they not had to be celibate; indeed, many of these men may have become priests trying to run away from their sexuality. (That is not to diminish the validity of their callings.) I hope these men have the good sense to keep their grubby paws of children, but of course some homosexuals (and lesbians) are, in fact, pedophiles, so they may be involved as well.

Something else that has been happening in the news the past week as Senator Craig is discussed: he keeps insisting he's not gay, although he participated in "Down Low" activities normally associated with homosexuality. You know what? He may be lying, which is fully in keeping with the hypocrisy he's demonstrated during this whole situation.

But he might not be. He might be telling the truth.

I know I don't have to tell you that not all homosexuals participate in this sort of park solicitation junk. Some do, and some don't. Just as not all homosexuals are involved in these activities, I think it's entirely possible that not everyone involved is a homosexual. Yes, the end result is some form of homosexual liaison, but I don't think that's necessarily the pay-off for everyone.

For example, we've all met someone who is such a devout Christian and so convinced of Original Sin (well, maybe you haven't, but I've met quite a few) that he or she must punish himself or herself frequently. What's a more severe punishment than engaging in activity that both you and your God find repugnant, i.e., anonymous gay sex?

There's also the S&M element: I am bad; you must punish me. (I personally see the previous paragraph as really bent-and-twisted S&M, but that's me.)

And finally, there's the clandestine element. Some people who may not be at all interested in either homosexuality or S&M per se may be attracted to the whole "live in secret/hide away/have a secret life/down low" thing.

Okay, I'll stop now, but just to review: gay/lesbian/homosexual does not necessarily equal pedophile. Gay/lesbian/homosexual does not necessarily equal park solicitation. Park solicitation does not necessarily equal gay or homosexual (I'm not saying women don't do these things, but I've never heard of it or witnessed it, and it hasn't made the news).

(And this isn't a huge fault in the Riva book, which is otherwise fairly...I hate the word "tolerant," which I think smacks of condescension, but this isn't a particularly homophobic book; it's just a product of a particular person who lived in a particular time and place. Bill Maher ought to know better.)

I have now started a book called Reading Goethe. It's interesting, but dense and slow going.

2. Television and Pogo Badges.

3. Level 30 Night Elf Druid. Ashenvale. Dinged 31. Manor quest in Arathi. Started Hillsbrad. Dinged 32.

4. Whenever I add another blog, I first check the posts for comments. There have been three comments, and a few nights ago, I finally deleted them; they were just kamikazes advertising their own blogs. If someone wants to bounce off anything I say, that's cool and wonderful; it's in hopes of that that I check each night. However, I feel no compelling need to advertise other people's blogs.

Now I say that fully aware that nobody reads this. I've sent a few people here to see my comments on specific events, and Co-Vivant occasionally checks in, but for the most part, nobody reads this.

So why do I do it if not to be read?

There are a few answers to that. First of all, I don't think it's bad for me as a writer if I write a little something every day, even if it's just a nickel summary of the day.

Secondly, there have been a few ideas in here that I have wanted to think through, and this has been a good venue for that. Diversity, memory, various aspects of homosexuality--I can type them through here. I agree with the Forster/Murray "How do I know what I think until I see what I say?" It's a way to think through things that have been on my mind and attempt to clarify my own stances.

Thirdly, this lends some form of accountability. For example, this has been a holiday weekend, so I've sort of played, but for the most part, I think people do best working at least five, sometimes six days a week, and I try to. Now do I believe in a five-day, 40-hour-a-week workweek? Absolutely not. This semester, I only "go to work" three days a week (more for committee meetings or training courses, for example, both of which I have in the week coming up). But I still usually work five or six days a week. For the last few weeks, I worked five or six days preparing for school, writing and reading for the Arthur class, doing my Potter research--I think people are happiest when we're busy and productive. Now of course everyone is entitled to days of rest (and as you can see, even on days when I work, I usually play a fair amount). But brains like to work. At least mine does. If yours doesn't--is the work you're asking it to do the kind of work it would like to do?

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