Monday, November 5, 2007

11/4: What I Accomplished Today

1. Got stuff we forgot at Costco and did the Target run.

2. Puzzle Day, but the answers didn't print, so we don't know who won.

3. Television and Pogo badges. (I finished several Pogo badges, so I was pleased.)

We watched The Sweet Smell of Success; we hadn't watched NetFlix films for awhile, so we watched one. Really fun puzzle to watch play out.

4. Last night, I placed Big Island Blends, a time management game on PlayFirst. Not a bad game, but nothing I haven't played 22 times before, and it like many other time management games, the early rounds are so slow and clunky, and the onscreen avatar so unresponsive, that it's not that big a disappointment when the trial period's over; you know in another 15 or 20 minutes, the character and machines would be fast enough to allow you to get a groove going, but by then, who would care?

I should also be working on Hometown Heroes, but the last level I played was a flashlight level, and I didn't finish it. I hate flashlight levels, so I'm having trouble motivating myself to try again.

5. Level 35 Human Paladin. Desolace. Auction checks.

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