Saturday, November 10, 2007

11/9: What I Accomplished Today

1. Getting dressed, I put on a sock with a big hole in the bottom, and I'm too impatient to take the time to change socks (not to mention not liking to throw a sock away so that I have an odd number), so I wore a holey sock all day. This ends up being more upsetting than I'd have thought.

2. Level 38 Human Paladin. Hillsbrad.

3. Television and Pogo badges.

We watched Sunset Blvd., one of our NetFlix movies. Oh, my gosh, what a cool movie. All about power and money and desire and what age does (and doesn't) mean. We watched it again so we could hear the commentary, and then we watched the featurette on the movie, and then we watched the featurettes on Edith Head and Franz Waxman, and if there'd been more featurettes, we'd have watched them. And while everyone in the cast is extraordinarily talented, it sure did sound like each was also playing vital element of their character at just that moment of their lives. There are very few films that I think would reward frame-by-frame scrutiny, but I think this one would.

4. Level 38 Human Paladin. Arathi Highlands. Also auction work. Having read various gold guides, I've come across two or three techniques that, over the course of a week, seem to have made about 50 gold or so. Now I'm obviously going to have to have more gold than that if I'm to get nine mounts, and epic mounts, and flying mounts, and epic flying mounts, but I've learned a lot this week, and maybe I'll eventually learn more and be able to keep up with the financial needs of the little community I've built. (Well, "community" is a strong word, since only one can be online at a time.)

5. I was hoping to finish Muhammad tonight; I only have 10 or 15 pages. I'm really tired, though, so I speckon that'll be on the agenda for tomorrow.

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