Sunday, January 20, 2008

1/20: What I Accomplished Today

Strange week.

1. This was Convocation Week for school, so I went to a software demonstration, a School meeting, a Department meeting, and a tech fair. I also conducted a meeting of those planning to read Placements this term. This was all to determine what my projects and priorities for this term need to be.

2. I finished the book The Secret Magdalene, and Friday was book group at which we discussed it. I referred to this book as Heresy's Greatest Hits; almost every "what if" in Christianity are covered here. What if Mary Magdalene's father were Joseph of Arimathea? (No reason to think he couldn't be, and this makes part of the story make sense.) What if Jesus' brothers were disciples? (This was one of the premises of The Jesus Dynasty, which I read earlier this year. Like the previous book, this book establishes possibility, but not probability and certainly not certainty.) What if Jesus and some learned disciples mapped out what prophesies had to be fulfilled and took steps to make it so? (Certainly not outside the realm of possibility; some may see this as cynical, but I don't.) What if...what if...what if... And the individual hypotheses were all interesting and at least somewhat plausible, but together, it all got to be a bit much. (And I could have done without the kicker: and what if Mary Magdalene could read minds? Straw that broke the camel's back for me.)

I also read You: An Owner's Manual. Interesting and well-voiced, although I occasionally thought the humor was trying too hard.

Halfway through You, I remembered that I had been reading Karen Armstrong's
The Bible before I got The Secret Magdalene, so after I finished You, I picked it up again.

I didn't read any magazines this week.

3. The reason I haven't blogged this week is because I've been exhausted and going to bed early and therefore waking up early in the morning; I usually blog late at night during my "alone time," and I haven't been up this week.

4. Won Puzzle Day this week!

5. I don't remember where I was with the Draenei Shaman when last I wrote; I got her to 45 and have now started the Human Paladin. Co-Vivant's rogue is up to level 6.

I think that catches you up on most of the week's festivities.

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