Monday, July 16, 2007

7/15: What I Accomplished Today

1. Worked on Pogo badges.

2. Watched McKenna's Gold. In some ways, parts of this film were very similar to High Noon, which we saw last night; the McKenna's Gold townspeople are oblivious to the danger they might be letting themselves in for, and the High Noon people are oblivious in their complacency. Those parts of both movies, Sorkin could have written, for lo, they boil down to, "People are stupid."

High Noon was a really interesting film. (McKenna's Gold was a nice little film, but it's no High Noon.) Co-Vivant and I were discussing how, in many ways, most Westerns are morality plays. High Noon is certainly a morality play, but it takes the Western-as-morality-play motif to a whole new level. It was almost an updated parable. (When we started watching the film, Co-Vivant kept using the phrase "Morality Play" over and over, as though she was trying to check that I knew what it meant without having to ask me directly. Finally I had to say something that boiled down to, "Would you like to discuss how many times I've taught Everyman?")

I really wasn't happy with Grace Kelly as Quaker. (I really wasn't happy with Grace Kelly in this movie at all, but whatcha gonna do; everyone has to start somewhere, and she shore was purdy.) She indicates that she converted to Quakerism after the deaths of her father and brother. People who convert to any religion because of one defining moment almost always miss the point, and I think she did as well; yes, Quakers are nonviolent, but only the most Orthodox are...I'm going to say "impractical" about it, although that word-choice isn't entirely fair. Most Quakers are as fond of order as anyone. (I have in my head I've known some Quaker police officers, but I'm not coming up with any, so maybe I haven't.) (I was raised a Quaker, so my thoughts on this topic are semi-relevant.)

3. World of Warcraft level 28 Gnome Warlock. Cursed Crew Sequence. Sven/Hermit/Jitters quests (not doing the Abernathy sequence). Night Watch. Dinged 29. Started Missing Diplomat. Night Watch. Collecting Memories/Oh Brother.

1 comment:

lullabymedic said...

Quaker police officers

A topic near and dear to my heart, as I am one myself. Seems like I must be the only one in the world. If you know of anyone in your Quaker network I could contact regarding Quakerism within law enforcement, I would greatly appreciate it.