Thursday, August 30, 2007

8/29: What I Accomplished Today

1. Met with the Dean this morning. That was useful.

Normally each semester, I try to dress nicely (dress pants, blouse, penny loafers) the first week or two to establish tone. By the time I walked over the main campus this morning, after meeting with the Dean and going to the Department office to sign stuff and several other little chores, my feet informed me that this semester's Period of Dressing Nicely is now over. This is always sort of a relief; I'm happier teaching in jeans.

2. Prepped a class, got the last of my mail and office cleaned up, worked on some Placement tracking, taught a class.

3. Watched Into Alaska and It's Not Easy Being Green.

4. Worked on Pogo badges.

5. Level 31 Human Mage. Finished the Farren sequence. Worked on Blacksmithing. Note to self: in future, mages aren't blacksmiths.

6. BigFishGame is a three-matchy. I am sleepy.

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