Tuesday, June 19, 2007

6/18: What I Accomplished Today

1. Last night, I read more in Arthur, finished the Placement Payroll, and graded my in-person class; I have a meeting tomorrow, and I may not have time to get everything done in the allotted time before class. Today, I prepped today and Thursday.

2. Today, we had dum-dum food. I worked on Pogo badges and read.

3. We watched some comedians (Daniel Tosh and Kathy Griffith, both pretty good). I watched the 2nd season opener of Big Love, which was fun. I also saw that we have more Studio 60 on Tivo, so the episode I thought was the season (and probably series) finale wasn't.

4. Level 29 Human Mage. Worked on some Redridge quests. I found some guys who were fun to play with, but as too often happens with groups, once the allotted quest is done, we dithered about what to do then, and then we dithered about what we were doing, and blahblahblah, and suddenly I realize I could have been doing this much more quickly by myself. It was time to take out the trash and do some household stuff then, so I made apologies and said goodnight. This is one big reason almost none of my characters have joined a guild; groups can work in the short term, but they get tiresome in the long term.

5. The BigFishGame is one I've played before; with the new interface, it probably wouldn't install correctly anyway. Nothing new at Playfirst or Sandlot. I may read for awhile, or I may go to bed and watch more of The Learning Company DVD.

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