Thursday, June 21, 2007

6/19: What I Accomplished Today

1. Today was a nice, relaxing day at home when we didn't have to go anywhere or do anything in particular.

2. Got my Level 29 Human Mage to 30 (finally!). Did a stats check and mail check. Started the Level 25 Human Paladin.

I would like to make an announcement that many WOW players don't seem to get: every group should have a healer. If a group consists of a mage, a warrior, a rogue, and a druid, the druid should heal. That means you stay in the back out of the way and cast healing spells on people, or perhaps use bandages if that seems adequate. You cannot simultaneously tank and keep track of who needs to be healed. Smarter people than you have tried and failed. You are the healer. Stay in the back out of the way and heal. If the battle is over and everyone is dead except the druid, who is sittin' proud as can be shaped like a bear, the druid is a friggin' moron who should be hung from dangling bodily parts in such a manner as to cause pain. If you're the only party member with the possibility of healing, you're the healer. Deal with it. If you think it's less glamorous or manly than fighting, then deal with your own insecurities or don't play the class. I was in a group today with the above make-up and two druids, and neither of them seem to understand either their class or their role, so we all five died time after time, even though we had two, count 'em, two healers, and we had to reclaim with equipment in diminishing repair because they didn't have a clue between them. One of them (the more advanced one, for heaven's sake!) seemed totally unaware he could rez. Good grief. Freakin' idgits. As soon as I could dump that group without being rude, I did.

3. I don't have any recollection at all what we watched on television tonight.

4. Read more for Arthur.

5. Midsummer Fire Festival started tonight. Got the Paladin through the Alliance Cities quest and the Kalimdor quest; started the Eastern Kingdoms. It's good for flight path accumulation. I suspect that, since most of my characters don't have all the flight paths, this sequence is going to take awhile.

(It seems a shame The Exodar isn't included.)

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