Friday, July 13, 2007

7/12: What I Accomplished Today

My parents have been in town, so I've been too tired to blog.

Tuesday: I don't remember whether I blogged this day or not. We picked up my parents at the airport and went to lunch, meeting my mother-in-law. We dropped them off. I taught a class, and then we went back to the hotel. (Wait; I already blogged this. I remember typing the part about casinos being boring.)

Wednesday: Met parents for breakfast. We went to the Tropicana and saw the Titanic exhibit. Then we went to the Forum shops and watched the talking statues show. My mother and I both had the eerie sense that wasn't the show she had been told to see, but we didn't talk about it. Then we met my mother-in-law at the deli there and ate. We had tickets for the Blue Man Group this evening, so we went to the Venetian to hang out. There, we saw both of the Living Statues; that, I'm sure, is the show people meant to refer her to, not the relatively unimpressive automatons at Caesar's. The Venetian performers were fascinating.

Blue Man Group was really cool. Then we dropped them off at their hotel, came home, and went to sleep.

Today: I graded and prepped in the morning. I went and got my mother, and we went to my office. We were going to go to the Liberace museum, but there wasn't time to cross town again, so we went to Costco instead. Then we went to the campus where I teach and played computer games until it was time for class. She came to my class, and then we met up with everyone else and had dinner at Buco de Beppo's. Tired, but not as absolutely exhausted as I have been the last few nights.

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