Tuesday, July 24, 2007

7/23: What I Accomplished Today

1. Finished third chapter of Deathly Hallows with research. Listened to the second CD, which brought me a page or so into Chapter Six.

2. We had a variety of pain-in-the-neck problems today (my car, a water line), which my Co-Vivant all dealt with in addition to having work to do, so I did some miscellaneous doo-dads like trash and kitchen junk. I also cleaned some of the mess the backed-up water line caused.

3. Finished some Pogo badges.

4. Watched Bridge on the River Kwai. This was very interesting. Nice and murky; as soon as you've decided whom you're supposed to root for, that decision is complicated. (There were a very few moments when I thought maybe I was supposed to root for the Japanese.)

5. Teaching notes from DVD.

6. Level 30 Draenei Warrior. Missing Crystals. Worked a bit on several Hillsbrad quests; didn't finish any others, but should ding tomorrow if I get to play a reasonable amount of time.

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