Thursday, July 26, 2007

7/25: What I Accomplished Today

1. Now hear this: just because I am an English professor doesn't mean that I have to sit around reading papers all day, every day. I just read e-mails from two students who seemed to think that I should already have their papers graded and their course grades calculated. I will do that tomorrow afternoon; I like to do it as close to class time as possible (without going over, obviously, like The Price is Right) so I'm as fresh as possible on what the class's current issues are. (I know, this isn't really that big a deal, but students who think I should grade things on their schedules are infuriating.)

2. Some information on the Blizzard website about the swag from Blizzcon. I was planning to go, and then the tickets went on sale, and I was trying to decide whether I could legitimately justify spending that money--and the second day they were on sale, the tickets sold out, so I snoozed, I losed. Now whenever I'm in Booty Bay and I pass the goblin who redeems codes from previous shows, I am a little angry with myself for not acting more quickly: I will not get a code to redeem for a fun, fabulous, silly thing. It's just as well; our cars have both acted up this summer, and it looks like we may need a new computer or two or three, so the money wouldn't have been spent in the spirit of good stewardship. But still.

3. Did my thing on chapter four of Deathly Hallows. Listened to the third CD of the audiobook.

4. Played a few minutes each of the level 31 Draenei warrior and Miss Management. Lack mojo.

5. Read some more in Arthur. Trying to decide whether Dumbledore works as a Lancelot figure.

6. BigFishGames are both three-matchies. Blech.

7. Not particularly tired now, but tomorrow is the last class meeting for the in-person class, so I should impersonate a responsible adult and go to bed.

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