Thursday, August 16, 2007

8/15: What I Accomplished Today

1. Went to a meeting on college-high school curricular articulation. Pretty good meeting.

2. Went to department office and turned in my copying for the first week of school. I am very smug about this, and I'm a little disappointed nobody bought me an ice cream cone to thank me.

3. New pogo badges. Finished 20% of each one.

4. Watched Jeff Corwin's Into Alaska and Build it Bigger. We like Jeff; his enthusiasm is infectious. Sometimes it sounds like (and forgive this gross image in advance) he's just 30 seconds from orgasm on an hourly basis, and maybe he should seek therapy for that, but we still enjoy his shows.

5. Level 33 Draenei Shaman. Various Hillsbrad Foothills quests. Dinged 34. Hurray.

6. I'm going to play the demo hours Deep Quest, today's BigFishGame, and Venetian, a new PopCap game, now.

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